Apr 25, 2015

CWIL Founding Member Ann Lents Honored as Distinguished Alumni of The Kinkaid School

On Friday, April 24th, CWIL Founding Member Ann Lents was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award from The Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas.

On Friday, April 24th, CWIL Founding Member Ann Lents was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award from The Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas.

As a strong proponent of civic engagement, Ann was former president and CEO of the Center for Houston’s Future, a not-for-profit policy planning organization that works to solve Houston’s toughest problems through discussion, research, and actionable strategies. Retiring in 2008, Ann continues to be a catalytic leader in the community, engaging in the policy arena as a board member of the Houston Parks Board, as the president of the board of Texas Children’s Hospital, and as a trustee of the University of Texas Law School Foundation. Prior to her work with these organizations, Ann was a partner at Vinson & Elkins, where she focused primarily on commercial litigation.

CWIL congratulates Ann on this well-deserved award.

CWIL Press Release