On Friday, May 1, 2009, the Summit will be open to a broader audience; young lawyers and law students are invited to join the Summit’s senior women lawyers and attend the concluding sessions.
The concluding day of the Summit will have a special focus on intergenerational issues. The schedule includes presentation of current research on the topic and an interactive dialogue among lawyers from the Gen X, Gen Y and Baby Boomer crowds that will highlight their shared and divergent perspectives as well as illuminate strategies for the different generations working together.
A final draft of the Center for Women in Law's vision will also be revealed during the concluding sessions. This will be a statement of principles designed to address the obstacles facing women in the profession today.
Concluding Summit Sessions Schedule
All Friday Summit sessions will take place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, 98 San Jacinto Blvd.
Friday, May 1, 2009
8:45 - 9:00am
- William Powers, Jr., President, The University of Texas at Austin
Special Remarks
9:00 - 9:15am
- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, United States Senate
Presentation of CWIL's Vision
9:15 - 10:00am
- Diane C. Yu, Chair of the Women’s Power Summit on Law & Leadership, will reveal a final version of the Center's vision, a statement of principles that will call for specific, concrete steps to tackle the stubborn obstacles facing women in the profession today.
What's the Matter with Kids Today?" - Generational Changes and How They May Transform the Practice of Law
10:00 - 10:30am
- This session will focus on "the next generation" of leading women in law. Lauren Stiller Rikleen will present an overview of demographics and current trends, highlighting some of her new original research on intergenerational issues.
Lauren Stiller Rikleen, Executive Director, the Bowditch Institute for Women’s Success, Partner, Bowditch & Dewey and author, author, Ending the Gauntlet: Removing Barriers to Women's Success in the Law.
Transforming the Workplace: An Intergenerational Dialogue
10:30am - 12:00pm
- A dynamic panel of lawyers and law students from across generations will engage in an interactive conversation illuminating some of their divergent and shared perspectives on working together in the legal profession. Panelists will address critical questions like: What do the generations owe to one another? How can the historically divisive issues be reframed to unite women lawyers? Conceptually, should women lawyers adopt a Code of Ethics like the one proposed by panelist Adrienne Iwamoto Suarez?
- Lauren Stiller Rikleen (moderator)
- Lorraine Graw, Law Student, University of Texas School of Law, Permanent Class President, Class 2009 and Faculty Appt. Committee
- Lisa Horowitz, President, National Association of Women Lawyers
- The Hon. Barbara M.G. Lynn, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas
- Keisha Stanford, Law Student, Stanford Law School, Executive Committee, Building a Better Legal Profession, National Board, Ms. JD National Association of Women Law Students
- Adrienne Iwamoto Suarez, Legislative Researcher, Hawaii State Representative Della Au Belatti
Luncheon with Marie C. Wilson: Add Women ~ Change Everything
12:00 - 2:00pm
- Marie C. Wilson, an advocate of women’s issues for more than 30 years, will conclude the Summit by offering final remarks on women and leadership. She is the founder and President of The White House Project, co-creator of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work ® Day, past President of the Ms. Foundation, and author of Closing the Leadership Gap: Why Women Can and Must Help Run the World.