The Center for Women in Law and The NALP Foundation joined forces to examine the experiences of women of color in law school. Grades, networks, and professional development play a pivotal role in the success of students once they begin practice. Women of color law students report a sense of isolation, exclusion from the best study groups, a lack of role models, disparate treatment by professors, and heightened objectification and sexual harassment at networking events. Notably, they report having to navigate quid pro quo offers, being talked out of seeking prestigious opportunities, and missing other foundational career experiences.
CWIL and The NALP Foundation seek to identify disparities between the experiences of women of color law students and their peers, document those disparities, develop actionable solutions, and engage stakeholders to adopt the recommendations. We have collected quantitative data from over 4,000 students in over 45 ABA-accredited law schools across the country. Our next step is to conduct focus groups with students across the country to collect qualitative data. Your donation contributed to the development of these groups and fund travel during this phase of the research.
The Hornraiser campaign will launch on September 5th. For more information please visit our donor page and designate your gift to the Center for Women in Law and adding Women of Color Study to the comment section.
Read more about the Women of Color Student Study.