The Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers

The Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers provides the platform to bring thought leaders together.

The Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers provides the platform to bring together thought leaders from across the country who are leading initiatives to advance women in the legal profession.

Notable member organizations include the American Bar Association Commission on Women in the Profession, Catalyst, Direct Women, DRI Women in the Law Committee, Flex-Time Lawyers LLC, Minority Corporate Counsel Association, National Association of Women Lawyers, National Bar Association Women Lawyers Division, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, National Hispanic Bar Association, Project for Attorney Retention,  The Bar Association of San Francisco No Glass Ceiling Initiative, and the Women’s Bar Association of DC Initiative on Advancement and Retention of Women as well as many others (see full list of Consortium member organizations). Through annual meetings and ongoing conversations through a listserv, the leaders share knowledge, collaborate and leverage resources to accelerate the advancement of women in the legal profession. 

The Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers

Past Events

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