Recent News

CWIL Founding Members Melanie Gray and Christine LaFollette to be Inducted into Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce

CWIL Founding Members Melanie Gray and Christine LaFollette will be inducted into the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce’s Hall of Fame.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

CWIL October Power Lunch Series Recap

In October 2014, Center for Women in Law hosted a four-part lunch series that showcased accomplished and influential women at the top of their careers: Arianna Huffington, Linda L. Addison, Susan L. Blount, and Arleas Upton Kea.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

Center for Women in Law Brings Women in Law Institute to New York

On Friday, October 24th, 2014, The Center for Women in Law partnered with the New York City Bar to host the Women in Law Institute in New York City.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

CWIL Leader-in-Residence Bobbi Liebenberg Featured by Law360

A tireless champion of women in law and advocate for her clients, Roberta D. Liebenberg of Fine Kaplan & Black RPC has helped secure multimillion-dollar settlements for plaintiffs . . . all while giving unflagging support to her fellow female attorneys.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

Members of Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers Urge that New Standards for MDL Proceedings Include Guidance to Judges on How to Promote Diversity in Court Appointments

Members of the CWIL’s Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers sent a letter to Prof. Jaime Dodge at Duke Law School’s Center for Judicial Studies urging her to include guidance to judges on how to promote diversity in court appointments in a new guide she is creating for MDL judges and practitioners.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

CWIL Executive Director Linda Bray Chanow Speaks at Moms in Law Event

Center for Women in Law Executive Director Linda Bray Chanow presented “Building Power and Influence” at an event hosted by Moms in Law San Antonio (“MILSA”) and sponsored by Strasburger & Price, LLP.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

Center for Women in Law Holds the Hispanic National Bar Association/Walmart Latina Commission Leadership Academy

On Wednesday, September 10th, 2014, the Center for Women in Law held the Latina Commission Leadership Academy in collaboration with the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) and Walmart.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

Center for Women in Law Convenes Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers

The Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers met at the midtown offices of Norton Rose Fulbright to discuss the latest research, initiatives, and programs to advance women in the profession.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

CWIL Founder Sandra Phillips Named Deputy General Counsel at Toyota

Center for Women in Law Founding Member Sandra L. Phillips, vice president and assistant general counsel of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., has been named vice president, deputy general counsel at Toyota.

SOURCE: CWIL Press Release

CWIL Leader Hilda Galvan Named Partner-in-Charge of Jones Day’s Dallas Office

The global law firm Jones Day announced today that Hilda C. Galvan has been named Partner-in-Charge of Jones Day's Dallas Office. Ms. Galvan is a partner in the Firm's Intellectual Property ("IP") Practice.

SOURCE: Jones Day