Recent News

Statement from CWIL

At this painful and difficult time for our nation, we are grappling with the meaning and promise of justice and equality for all.

Patricia Diaz Dennis Announced as Hortense Ward Courageous Leader Awardee

Patricia Diaz Dennis is the 2020 recipient of the Hortense Ward Courageous Leader Award. Diaz Dennis will receive the award on April 23, 2021 at the CWIL Award Luncheon in Austin.

Stidvent Announced as New Executive Director

Veronica (“Ronnye”) Vargas Stidvent has been named as the new Executive Director of The Center for Women at Law.

Accelerate: First Year Associates™ 2020

The 2020 class of Accelerate: First-Year Associates™ was launched on January 12th.

CWIL Leader Hilda C. Galvan honored with the American Jewish Committee’s Human Relations Award

CWIL Leader Hilda C. Galvan was honored on November 12 with the prestigious Human Relations Award from the American Jewish Committee (AJC) at a gala dinner in Dallas, TX.

Accelerate Wrap-Up

On November 1, our 2019 Accelerators wrapped up their year-long adventure with us that coincided with their 1st year as law firm Associates. 

Women in Law Institute in Los Angeles

Women in Law Institute in Los Angeles on Oct. 18.

CWIL Leader Juanita Harris honored with National Bar Association Women Lawyers Division Outstanding In House Counsel Achievement Award

Attorney Juanita Harris received the 2019 National Bar Association Women Lawyers Division Outstanding In House Counsel Achievement Award.

CWIL Founder Michelle Goolsby has been named to the board of directors of The Simply Good Foods Company

Michelle Goolsby has been named to the board of directors of The Simply Good Foods Company.

Nina Cortell Honored by Dallas Bar Foundation

Congratulations to CWIL Founder Nina Cortell, recipient of the 2019 Fellows Justinian Award from the Dallas Bar Foundation