Center’s New Ascend Program Supports Established Lawyers Explore Challenges, Opportunities in Careers; Georgetown University’s Hillary Sale to Lead Opening Session.
A workshop with Associate Dean and Professor Hillary Sale from Georgetown University focused on boosting your career with a strategic plan.
Center’s Popular First-Year Associates Program Expands to Multi-Year Initiative Supporting Early Career Women Lawyers
The Center for Women in Law is partnering with Diane Darling in a four-part course aimed at solo and small firm practicioners.
The 2020-21 Impact Report showcases many of the Center’s programs and events over the past year. The Center is grateful for the generous support of its donors and constituents.
After more than a decade of success built on the commitment of its Founders and Power Circle Members, we developed a plan to guide the Center’s future.
The Center for Women in Law honors the life and legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg was a pioneer and trailblazer for women's rights and gender equality.
Congratulations to our Leaders Circle member Arleas Upton Kea ‘82 for being honored with the UT Austin Texas Exes Distinguished Alumnus Award for her service to the University and professional career.
The Center for Women in Law and The NALP Foundation have produced a first-of-its-kind report detailing the disparities between the educational and social experiences of women of color in law schools.
The Center for Women in Law and Take The Lead assembled a panel of experts on a webinar to discuss recent trends in the legal profession.